Andreas Bergh

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Economic freedom and populism
Andreas Bergh, Anders Kärnä
(2024) Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom , p.297-314
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMunicipally owned corporations in Sweden : A cautionary tale
Andreas Bergh, Gissur Erlingsson
(2024) Public Money and Management, 44 p.586-593
Artikel i tidskriftExplaining the rise of populism in European democracies 1980–2018: The role of labor market institutions and inequality
Andreas Bergh, Anders Kärnä
(2022) Social Science Quarterly, 103 p.1719-1731
Artikel i tidskriftMine or ours? Unintended framing effects in dictator games
Andreas Bergh, Philipp C. Wichardt
(2022) Rationality and Society, 34 p.78-95
Artikel i tidskriftWhat happens when municipalities run corporations? Empirical evidence from 290 Swedish municipalities
Andreas Bergh, Gissur Erlingsson, Emanuel Wittberg
(2022) Local Government Studies, 48 p.704-727
Artikel i tidskriftInkomstutveckling för människor från glesbygd och storstad
Andreas Bergh, Martin Nordin
(2022) Ekonomisk Debatt, 50 p.23-33
Artikel i tidskrift3:12-regelverket ger stora regionala klyftor
Andreas Bergh, Martin Nordin, Cecilia Hammarlund
(2022) Ekonomisk Debatt, 50 p.68-79
Artikel i tidskriftThe Compensation Hypothesis Revisited and Reversed
Andreas Bergh
(2021) Scandinavian Political Studies, 44 p.140-147
Artikel i tidskriftTrust Us to Repay: Social Trust, Long-Term Interest Rates, and Sovereign Credit Ratings
Andreas Bergh, Bjørnskov Christian
(2021) Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 53
Artikel i tidskriftDoes economic freedom boost growth for everyone?
Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjørnskov
(2021) Kyklos, 74 p.170-186
Artikel i tidskriftPoverty and new welfare economics
Andreas Bergh
(2021) Poverty in Contemporary Economic Thought , p.145-157
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGlobalization and populism in Europe
Andreas Bergh, Anders Kärnä
(2021) Public Choice, 189 p.51-70
Artikel i tidskriftSocial and Legal Trust: The Case of Africa
Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjørnskov, Kevin Vallier
(2021) Social Trust , p.9-28
Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjørnskov
(2020) Contemporary economic policy, 38 p.643-658
Artikel i tidskriftMigrants and Life Satisfaction : The Role of the Country of Origin and the Country of Residence
Niclas Berggren, Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjørnskov, Shiori Tanaka
(2020) Kyklos, 73 p.436-463
Artikel i tidskriftCan social spending cushion the inequality effect of globalization?
Therese Nilsson, Andreas Bergh, Irina Mirkina
(2020) Economics & Politics, 32 p.104-142
Artikel i tidskriftHayekian welfare states : Explaining the coexistence of economic freedom and big government
Andreas Bergh
(2020) Journal of Institutional Economics, 16 p.1-12
Artikel i tidskriftSocial trust and sharing economy size : country level evidence from home sharing services
Andreas Bergh, Alexander Funcke
(2020) Applied Economics Letters, 27 p.1592-1595
Artikel i tidskriftMunicipally Owned Enterprises as Danger Zones for Corruption? How Politicians Having Feet in Two Camps May Undermine Conditions for Accountability
Andreas Bergh, Gissur Erlingsson, Anders Gustafsson, Emanuel Wittberg
(2019) Public Integrity, 21 p.320-352
Artikel i tidskriftA sticky trait: Social trust among Swedish expatriates in countries with varying institutional quality
Andreas Bergh, Richard Öhrvall
(2018) Journal of Comparative Economics, 46 p.1146-1157
Artikel i tidskriftAccounting for Context : Separating Monetary and (Uncertain) Social Incentives
Andreas Bergh, Philipp C. Wichardt
(2018) Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72 p.61-66
Artikel i tidskriftIs Migration Threatening Social Trust in Europe?
Andreas Bergh
(2018) Trust in the EU at Challenging Times : Interdisciplinary European Studies , p.91-109
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMore politicians, more corruption : evidence from Swedish municipalities
Andreas Bergh, Günther Fink, Richard Öhrvall
(2017) Public Choice, 172 p.483-500
Artikel i tidskriftAre OECD policy recommendations for public sector reform biased against welfare states? : Evidence from a new database
Andreas Bergh, Margareta Dackehag, Martin Rode
(2017) European Journal of Political Economy, 48 p.3-15
Artikel i tidskriftExplaining the labor market gaps between immigrants and natives in the OECD
Andreas Bergh
(2017) Migration Letters, 14
Artikel i tidskriftRiksbanken feltolkar lagen i sin syn på inflationsmålet
Fredrik N G Andersson, Andreas Bergh, Anders Olshov
(2016) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt) , p.6-6
TidningsartikelSick of Inequality? : An Introduction to the Relationship between Inequality and Health
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson, Waldenström Daniel
BokA Clean House? Studies of Corruption in Sweden
Andreas Bergh, Gissur Erlingsson, Mats Sjölin, Richard Öhrvall
BokSverige på väg mot en djup kris
Fredrik N G Andersson, Andreas Bergh
(2016) Dagens Industri
TidningsartikelThe future of welfare services: How worried should we be about Baumol, Wagner and Ageing?
Andreas Bergh
(2016) Nordic Economic Policy Review
Artikel i tidskriftDo the poor benefit from globalization regardless of institutional quality?
Andreas Bergh, Irina V Mirkina, Therese Nilsson
(2016) Applied Economics Letters, 23 p.702-712
Artikel i tidskriftGovernment Size and Growth: A Rejoinder
Andreas Bergh, Magnus Henrekson
(2016) Journal of Economic Surveys, 30 p.393-393
Artikel i tidskriftYes, There Are Hayekian Welfare States (At Least in Theory)
Andreas Bergh
(2015) Econ Journal Watch, 12 p.22-27
Artikel i tidskriftComments on 'Collective Risk Sharing: The Social Safety Net and Employment
Andreas Bergh
ÖvrigtWhat matters for growth in Europe? Institutions versus policies, quality versus instability
Niclas Berggren, Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjornskov
(2015) Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 18 p.69-88
Artikel i tidskriftMeasuring institutional quality in ancient Athens
Andreas Bergh, Carl Hampus Lyttkens
(2014) Journal of Institutional Economics, 10 p.279-310
Artikel i tidskriftTrust, welfare states and income equality: Sorting out the causality
Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjornskov
(2014) European Journal of Political Economy, 35 p.183-199
Artikel i tidskriftIs Globalization Reducing Absolute Poverty?
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
(2014) World Development, 62 p.42-61
Artikel i tidskriftWhen more poor means less poverty: On income inequality and purchasing power
Therese Nilsson, Andreas Bergh
(2014) Southern Economic Journal, 81 p.232-246
Artikel i tidskriftWhat are the policy lessons from Sweden? On the rise, fall and revival of a capitalist welfare state.
Andreas Bergh
(2014) New Political Economy, 19 p.662-694
Artikel i tidskriftGlobalization and institutional quality - A panel data analysis
Andreas Bergh, Irina V Mirkina, Therese Nilsson
(2014) Oxford Development Studies, 42 p.365-394
Artikel i tidskriftSweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare state
Andreas Bergh
(2014) New thinking in political economy
BokIncome inequality, health and development – In search of a pattern
Therese Nilsson, Andreas Bergh
(2013) Research on Economic Inequality: Health and Inequality, Vol 21
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMore Open – Better Governed? Evidence from High- and Low-income Countries
Andreas Bergh, Irina Mirkina, Therese Nilsson
(2013) IFN Working Paper
Working paperWhen more poor means less poverty: On the links between inequality, purchasing power and health
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
(2012) IFN Working Paper
Working paperBlir vi sjuka av inkomstskillnader? : en introduktion till sambanden mellan inkomst, ojämlikhet och hälsa
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson, Daniel Waldenström
BokIncome Inequality and Individual Health: Exploring the Association in a Developing Country
Therese Nilsson, Andreas Bergh
(2012) IFN Working Paper
Working paperBeyond Welfare State Models - Transnational Historical Perspectives on Social Policy
Andreas Bergh
(2012) International Journal of Social Welfare, 21 p.319-320
BokrecensionThe growth effects of institutional instability
Bergggren Niclas, Andreas Bergh, Bjørnskov Christian
(2012) Journal of Institutional Economics, 8 p.187-224
Artikel i tidskriftGlobalization and absolute poverty - A panel data study
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
(2012) IFN Working Paper
Working paperGovernment Size and Growth: A Survey and Interpretation of the Evidence
Andreas Bergh, Magnus Henrekson
(2011) Journal of Economic Surveys, 25 p.872-897
Artikel i tidskriftNordics in Global Crisis: Vulnerability and Resilience
Andreas Bergh
(2011) Journal of Economic Literature, 49 p.151-152
BokrecensionHistorical trust levels predict current welfare state size
Andreas Bergh, Christian Bjørnskov
(2011) Kyklos, 64 p.1-19
Artikel i tidskriftBetween Burkina Faso and Brazil? Measuring institutional quality in ancient Athens
Andreas Bergh, Carl Hampus Lyttkens
(2011) , 2011:10
Working paperDo liberalization and globalization increase income inequality?
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
(2010) European Journal of Political Economy, 26 p.488-505
Artikel i tidskriftGood for Living? On the Relationship between Globalization and Life expectancy
Andreas Bergh, Therese Nilsson
(2010) World Development, 38 p.1191-1203
Artikel i tidskriftOECD recommends: A consensus for or against welfare states? Evidence from a new database
Andreas Bergh, Margareta Dackehag
(2010) Ratio Working Papers
Working paperGovernment size and growth: accounting for economic freedom and globalization
Andreas Bergh, Martin Karlsson
(2010) Public Choice, 142 p.195-213
Artikel i tidskriftTowards a New Swedish Model?
Andreas Bergh
(2010) Population Agein - A Threat to the Welfare State? , p.109-119
Del av eller Kapitel i bokFull employment in Europe: Managing labour market transitions and risks
Andreas Bergh
(2009) Papers in Regional Science, 88 p.883-885
BokrecensionHigher education, Elite Institutions and Inequality
Andreas Bergh
(2009) European Economic Review, 53 p.376-384
Artikel i tidskriftLiberalization without Retrenchment: Understanding the Consensus on Swedish Welfare State Reforms
Andreas Bergh, Gissur Erlingsson
(2009) Scandinavian Political Studies, 32 p.71-93
Artikel i tidskriftPublic Corruption in Swedish Municipalities - Trouble Looming on the Horizon?
Gissur Erlingsson, Andreas Bergh, Mats Sjölin
(2008) Local Government Studies, 34 p.595-608
Artikel i tidskriftDen kapitalistiska välfärdsstaten: om den svenska modellens historia och framtid
Andreas Bergh
BokHigher education policy, enrollment, and income inequality
Andreas Bergh, Guenther Fink
(2008) Social Science Quarterly, 89 p.217-235
Artikel i tidskriftA critical note on the theory of inequity aversion
Andreas Bergh
(2008) Journal of Socio-Economics
Artikel i tidskriftInstitutional Competition
BokInstitutional competition and the welfare state
Andreas Bergh
(2007) Institutional Competition
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Middle Class and the Swedish Welfare State: How Not to Measure Redistribution
Andreas Bergh
(2007) The Independent Review, 11 p.533-546
Artikel i tidskriftWork incentives and employment are the wrong explanation of Sweden’s Success
Andreas Bergh
(2006) Econ Journal Watch, 3
Artikel i tidskriftIs the Swedish Welfare State a Free Lunch?
Andreas Bergh
(2006) Econ Journal Watch, 3 p.210-235
Artikel i tidskriftChoosing Opponents in Games of Cooperation and Coordination
Andreas Bergh
(2005) Working Papers. Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperThe Problem of Cooperation and Reputation Based Choice
Andreas Bergh, Peter Engseld
(2005) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperOn inter- and intra-individual redistribution of the welfare state
Andreas Bergh
(2005) Social Science Quarterly, 86 p.984-995
Artikel i tidskriftChoosing Opponents in Prisoners’ Dilemma: An Evolutionary Analysis
Andreas Bergh
(2005) Working Papers, Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperOn the counterfactual problem of welfare state research: How can we measure redistribution?
Andreas Bergh
(2005) European Sociological Review, 21 p.345-357
Artikel i tidskriftPoverty and New Welfare Economics
Andreas Bergh
(2005) Economists and Poverty: from Adam Smith to Amartya Sen
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEscaping Mass Education – Why Harvard Pays
Andreas Bergh, Guenther Fink
(2005) Working Papers. Department of Economics, Lund University
Working paperOn the Redistributive Effect of Upper Benefit Limits in Bismarckian Social Insurance
Andreas Bergh
(2004) Finnish Economic Papers, 17 p.73-78
Artikel i tidskriftThe universal welfare state: Theory and the case of Sweden
Andreas Bergh
(2004) Political Studies, 52 p.745-766
Artikel i tidskrift