Craig Mitchell
Universitetsadjunkt, Biträdande prefekt Entreprenörskap, Företagsekonomiska institutionen
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Mixed embeddedness and entrepreneurship beyond new venture creation : Opportunity tensions in the case of reregulated public markets
Lena Högberg, Craig Mitchell
(2023) International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 41 p.121-151
Artikel i tidskriftContributions on entrepreneurial behaviour research
Susana. C Santos, Craig Mitchell, Hans Landström, Alain Fayolle, Antonio Caetano
(2017) European Research in Entrepreneurship , p.1-12
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Emergence of Entrepreneurial Behaviour : Intention, Education and Orientation
(2017) European Research in Entrepreneurship series
BokInvandring och företagande : Kunskapsöversikt
Martin Klinthäll, Craig Mitchell, Tobias Schölin, Zoran Slavnic, Susanne Urban
(2016) Statens offentliga utredningar
RapportGrowth The Missing Ingredient of Immigrant Entrepreneurship
Craig Mitchell
LicentiatavhandlingMixed Embeddedness, Opportunity Structures and Opprtunity Tension – Re-agenting the Embedded Entrepreneur
Craig Mitchell, Lena Högberg
Konferens - annat