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Porträtt på Martin Blom. Foto.

Martin Blom

Universitetslektor, Internationella relationer Ekonomihögskolan

Porträtt på Martin Blom. Foto.

How to understand and handle divergent views on the need for leadership interventions: a social constructionist approach


  • Martin Blom
  • Mikael Lundgren

Summary, in English

This paper addresses the challenge of how to understand and handle divergent views on the need for leadership interventions between managers and subordinates. Recent popular discourses of leadership, such as the authentic leadership perspective, privileges the potential leader himself or herself as the origin of leadership. This perspective thereby neglects the view of the followers and the essentially socially constructed relationship between leaders and followers. Based upon a critique against essentialist views of leadership such as authentic leadership we suggest a model on how to analyse divergent views between leaders and followers and its implications regarding managerial discretion regarding leadership initiatives.


  • Företagsekonomiska institutionen








  • Business Administration

Conference name

1st Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium

Conference date

2016-05-04 - 2016-05-07

Conference place

Rhodos, Greece

