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International Business – Kandidatprogram


Ansökningen till höstens kandidatprogram och kurser är öppen 17 mars–15 april

Vårt internationella kandidatprogram i International Business innehåller kurser där du lär dig grunderna i det du behöver kunna för att kunna jobba i internationella miljöer. Alla kurser ges på engelska och du pluggar tillsammans med studenter från hela världen.

Nyfiken på: International Business – kandidatprogram på engelska

Under utbildningen

Under de fyra första terminerna så följer du ett upplägg av kurser som blandar kunskaper från olika ämnen: företagsekonomi, nationalekonomi, statistik, handelsrätt och informatik.

Programstruktur och kurser

Under termin fem så väljer du kurser efter dina egna intressen. Du kan välja att plugga utomlands – Ekonomihögskolan har ett mycket stort utbud av samarbeten med högt rankade internationella universitet över hela världen – och du kan åka till dessa universitet som utbytesstudent utan att betala några studieavgifter. Om du hellre vill prova på praktik så går det också bra. Självklart kan du också välja att läsa kurser i ekonomi, språk eller något helt annat inom Lunds universitets stora utbud. 

Studera utomlands

Praktik som en del av din utbildning

Den sista terminen består av en fördjupning inom huvudområdet International Business där du även skriver ditt examensarbete tillsammans med en eller flera kurskamrater, vilket delvis också kan göras utomlands. 

Framtidens ekonomistudenter kommer studera handel ur ett internationellt perspektiv. För att jobba med handel på en globaliserad marknad krävs förståelse för vart vi kommer ifrån och vart vi är på väg. Utbytet av varor och tjänster i en alltmer globaliserad värld kräver mer av den moderna arbetsplatsen och dess medarbetare. Jag läste International Business för att jag ville vara en del av den utvecklingen.

– Trim Biba, Storbritannien

Efter utbildningen

Globaliseringen ställer nya krav på både arbetsplatser och medarbetare. Företag och organisationer som verkar i en internationell kontext behöver medarbetare med internationell spetskompetens. Genom att läsa International Business lär du dig att analysera och förstå global handel och dess komplexitet.

De färdigheter du utvecklar genom att studera International Business är attraktiva för en rad olika arbetsgivare. Din styrka ligger i  förmågan att jobba undersökande med analys och strategi på en internationell arbetsplats.

Efter utbildningen kan du till exempel jobba med affärsutveckling, marknadsföring, rådgivning, organisationsutveckling, export och import, inköp, ekonomistyrning – med mera. Eller varför inte förverkliga din idé om att starta upp ditt egna internationella företag?

Efter utbildningen kan du söka jobb eller välja att plugga vidare till en masterexamen – i Sverige eller utomlands.


International Business – Kandidatprogram

ibu [at] ehl [dot] lu [dot] se (ibu[at]ehl[dot]lu[dot]se)


International Business – Kandidatprogram



180 högskolepoäng / 3 år heltid

Ekonomie kandidatexamen med huvudområde International Business.
BSc in Business and Economics with a major in International Business.

Grundläggande behörighet samt Engelska 6, Matematik 3b/3c, Samhällskunskap 1b/1a1 + 1a2 (områdesbehörighet A4).


Kandidatprogrammet i International Business innehåller kurser där du lär dig grunderna i det du behöver kunna för att kunna jobba i internationella miljöer. Alla kurser ges på engelska.

Termin 1–4

Under de fyra första terminerna så följer du ett upplägg av kurser som blandar kunskaper från olika ämnen: företagsekonomi, nationalekonomi, statistik, handelsrätt och informatik.

Termin 1

Enterprises (or firms) as legal entities are one of the fundamental realities of the modern capitalistic society. But the existence of the firm, its boundaries or development is in no way determined by nature. In this course, we focus on the role of enterprises (firms) in their context, that is, how demographic, economic, historical, legal and political factors explain the structure of firms – but also the other way around; the demographic, economic, historical, legal and political impact of firms. We start out by looking at theories on what companies are and why they exist. We then analyse organized business ventures (firms) throughout history from antiquity until the present day.

Kurskod: EKHB90 | Ladda ner kursplan

In this course you will learn to demonstrate knowledge and understanding regarding the history and global context of international business as well as its strategic and organizational conditions

  • Globalization, historical development
  • Globalization and Nations, Cultures and Ethics
  • Global Trade
  • Global Finance
  • Firm strategy
  • Firm structure
  • Firm functions: value-chains, production, outsourcing
  • Firm functions: marketing, R&D, HRM.

Kurskod: IBUA10 | Ladda ner kursplan

Kurskod: IBUA51 | Ladda ner kursplan

The objective of this course is to provide business students with fundamental understanding of financial accounting.

The first part of the course presents accounting as a form of communication and a powerful tool for decision making for the management of companies as well as external users. It introduces each of the financial statements, its purpose and relationship among them. Further, it covers the conceptual framework of accounting and important differences between the International Financial Reporting Standards and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

The second part of the course covers the processing of accounting transactions using the double entry accounting system. It covers accounting for income, expenses, assets, liabilities and equity. This part of the course provides students the knowledge and tools to prepare a simple set of financial accounts. Students will be exposed to how a transaction affects the accounting equation; the income statement, balance sheet and financial statements as a whole.

The third part of the course provides students with a framework to perform financial analysis of companies. This is carried out through computing and using various ratios to assess the liquidity, solvency and profitability of a company to determine the company’s performance. The course also covers ethical issues and dilemmas relating to accounting and the moral and social implications of accounting decisions.

Kurskod: IBUA61 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course consists of four major parts.

The first part of the course is devoted to understanding culture and its dynamic nature. In the remaining parts of the course, various substantial domains of marketing are introduced and their relation to cultural differences are delineated.

The second part enables students to understand how consumer behavior is influenced by global and local cultural patterns.

In the third part, marketing decisions with respect the 4Ps model (product, place, price, and promotion) are discussed in light of intercultural marketing strategies.

Finally, in the fourth and last part of the course presents issues related to marketing communications (i.e., branding and advertising) in an intercultural environment.

Kurskod: IBUA21 | Ladda ner kursplan

Termin 2

The course starts with a short introduction to the central questions within economics followed by a presentation of the necessary institutions in a free market economy. The pricing problem is developed within a model of supply and demand. This model acts as a starting point for a deeper analysis of consumer and producer behaviour. Choice and decision making is analysed using preferences and utility functions. On the supply side, three alternative market structures are studied: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, and monopoly. The role of the government is analysed from three different perspectives: welfare economics, where the government corrects market failures; public choice, where the government is run by utility maximising politicians and bureaucrats; and new institutional economics, with a focus on owners’ rights and transaction costs.

Kurskod: NEKA61 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course starts with a description of the different roles of the financial system, followed by a survey of the most important financial markets and instruments including simple derivatives. Throughout the course special attention is given to the pricing of risk and risk management. The portfolio choice of a risk avert individual is thoroughly examined. The efficient market hypothesis and its role in making investment decisions is also discussed. Finally, corporate financing and dividend policy are discussed.

Kurskod: NEKA63 | Ladda ner kursplan

This course introduces the student to central traditions in organization and leadership studies. The aim is to equip students with a basic set of concepts and perspectives needed to analyse and understand organizational phenomena and make sense of challenges managers and workers might face. The following theoretical themes (among others) are included: Motivation, culture, control, leadership and organizational design.

Furthermore, the course seeks to develop analytical (problem-identifying) and decision making (problem-solving) skills required to manage complex situations, as well as train students in argumentation and presentation skills.

An important pedagogical idea of the course is to make sure that theories are applied to organizational practice. Case studies will be the main tool to accomplish this. In order to address the complexity of organizational issues, various perspectives will be adopted when organizational practice is discussed, and emphasis will be put on reflective usage of theories.

Kurskod: IBUA41 | Ladda ner kursplan

Management control is about how organisations influence their members to implement the organization´s strategies. The course introduces key concepts of management control such as planning (establishing goals and objectives), performance measurement (financial and non-financial), budgets and budgeting, tracking and responding to deviations, how to measure profitability/economic value and the role of controllers. The course consists of four parts:

  • Introduction and the role of controllers.
  • Strategic management accounting, management control systems and performance measurement.
  • Planning and budgetary control systems.
  • Accounting information for decision making.

Kurskod: IBUA62 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course focuses on the challenges that digitalisation poses in the modern organisation. To manage digitalisation, both managerial and technological aspects must be considered in conjunction. By studying theories on digitalisation and analysing cases, the course focuses on how information technology alters internal and external processes within and across organisations and society.

Kurskod: INFE01 | Ladda ner kursplan

Termin 3

International trade has been increasingly regulated globally the last 50 years. Today, there is a need for anyone engaged in international business to be aware of how disputes between companies in different nations are solved in order to prevent unfavorable outcomes and to work in a proactive way to optimize the own company’s business strategy.

Companies may go to court to enforce their contractual rights, set up private dispute resolution mechanism (arbitration), or bargain informally to resolve failures of performance.

International business includes legal constraints but also legal opportunities. The general aim of this course is to teach the student a proactive approach to business regulation. Legal disputes are business problems which demands business solutions.

This course covers the most important aspects of the legal dimension of international business. It focuses on five key areas:

  • Sources of International law
  • Jurisdiction, courts and arbitration
  • International sales of goods
  • Protection of intellectual property
  • Competition regulation

Kurskod: HARA28 | Ladda ner kursplan

There are two main components of the course. The first component is the theory of fundamental statistics. It includes:

  • confidence interval, t-distribution, hypotheses testing and p-value.
  • analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • regression models: simple linear regression, multivariate linear regression and logistic regression.
  • statistical model choice.

The second part is implementation of the first part using statistical software.

Kurskod: STAA45 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course starts with a short introduction to the central issues and terminology of macroeconomics. Then, the following areas are treated:

  • national and finance accounts,
  • unemployment and labour market policies,
  • inflation, the role of the central bank in monetary policy,
  • the functions and role of money in the macroeconomy
  • exchange rates and exchange rate systems,
  • the Keynesian model for short run macroeconomic analysis,
  • the AS-AD model and the Phillips curve for medium term macroeconomic analysis,
  • the effects on macroeconomic outcome of various economic events,macroeconomic policy (fiscal and monetary policy),
  • long run economic growth,
  • some macroeconomic events since 1970

Kurskod: NEKA62 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course starts with a survey of the theories of international trade, an analysis of profits associated with international trade, and the effects of international trade on the price of goods and factor prices.

Furthermore, the role of firms in the global economy are studied as well as theories of factor mobility and the emergence of transnational corporations.

The course also treats the motives behind different trade policies and the effect they can have, and the framework and organisation of the international trade system.

Finally, the role of trade policy and regional integration for trade and development is discussed.

Kurskod: NEKA64 | Ladda ner kursplan

Termin 4

The aim of the course is to provide students with a broad overview of international financial management, where the emphasis is on the company’s relations to the external environment.

The course has an international corporate perspective and should prepare students for the vital role financial planning and management plays in a dynamic and competitive environment.

The main purpose is to give theoretical knowledge for judgment and analysis of the financial considerations a company is exposed to, and to deepen the knowledge of how to handle these considerations. Students should also develop knowledge to be able to identify, judge and contribute to companies’ adaptations to ongoing changes in the area of financial management.

The first part of the course contains a general introduction to international financial management, emphasising the perspective of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Thereafter, the following topics are covered:

  • Financial planning and control, including working capital management.
  • Theoretical foundation of portfolio theory and the theories concerning return and risk
  • Capital structure and dividend policy
  • Capital needs and access to capital in different company phases, including the possibilities to efficiently manage the cost of capital
  • Corporate governance - Valuation models, including models for corporate and stock valuation
  • Financial instruments and the use of them in different situations

Kurskod: IBUG81 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course is organized based on elements involved in the innovation process. Characteristics facing established as well as independent new companies are discussed.

The first part is opportunity recognition. This part discusses sources for innovation and models for opportunity recognition.

The second part is focused on organizing and mobilization of resources for developing the opportunity.

The third part focuses on the actual development of the opportunity for innovation.

Finally, the fourth part is focused on how to capture value from the innovation opportunity. This part discusses among others the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and the role of the business model in order to realize and capture the value of an innovation.

Kurskod: IBUG91 | Ladda ner kursplan

The course explores the complex relation between business and society, focusing in particular on the question how, and to what extent, business organizations can contribute to a more sustainable world. The course addresses questions, such as ‘What is the responsibility of business?’, and ‘What is sustainability and how can sustainability be pursued?’, with a special focus on ethical dilemmas associated with doing business internationally. Students will work with a variety of theoretical perspectives (e.g. ethical theories and perspectives on corporate social responsibility) and work with real-life examples (e.g. analysing a sustainability report).

Kurskod: IBUG41 | Ladda ner kursplan

The overall objective of the course is to develop the ability of the student to independently design and perform, and convey in writing, a scientific study. The student will learn how to articulate relevant questions suitable for scientific examination, and to design such a study from adequate methodological considerations. That includes making a relevant choice of theoretical points of reference within the field of International Business.

Kurskod: STAA46 | Ladda ner kursplan

The objective of the course is to give students fundamental knowledge and skills of project management with a cross-cultural perspective. The course focuses on planning and executing international projects, role of leaders and teams as well as the varities of international projects.

The course relies comprehensively on the previous subjects covered within the International Business Program (e.g. internationalisation, globalisation, organisational behaviour, culture, leadership, innovation & entrepreneurship, sustainability, business ethics, marketing, accounting and budget). Students are therefore expected to utilize and apply these previous subjects for the design (planning) and management of international (cross-cultural) projects. The course seeks to develop analytical (problemidentifying) and decision making (problem-solving) skills required to manage projects in global contexts, as well as train students in planning, co-ordinating, and conversing.

Kurskod: IBUG13 | Ladda ner kursplan

Termin 5

Programmet innehåller en termin där du läser valfria kurser efter dina egna önskemål. Du kan kombinera dina ekonomistudier med andra ämnen vid universitetet, men du kan också studera vid ett universitet utomlands och inkludera dessa studier i din examen. Du har också möjlighet att förlägga din valfria termin på praktik (internship) i Sverige eller utomlands.

Läs mer:

Termin 6

Den sista terminen består av en fördjupning inom huvudområdet International Business där du även skriver ditt examensarbete, vilket delvis också kan göras utomlands. Under sista terminen genomför du även en så kallad ”Learning Objective Assessment” där du får tillfälle att repetera tidigare kunskaper samt reflektera över din egen utveckling på programmet.

The aim is to promote theoretical knowledge as well as applied knowledge adapted to different contexts regarding strategic management from a general manager’s perspective. The aim is further to develop the students’ ability to analyse strategies of an organisation and the strategy formulation and implementation processes. Training of the participants’ abilities in applying that type of knowledge in practical decision making is also an important objective of the course.

The course is introduced with an overview of the different schools of strategy. Starting with the classical business policy theory, followed by the "industrial organization economics" and ending with the so called “resourced based view” on resources and competences as the key basis for competitiveness.

From that the course discusses different situations and aspects with greater importance for strategic management, especially in an international business context. To highlight the differences in demands on the leadership in different kinds of organisations strategic leadership in big corporations as well as in small new ventures and in public organisation with different types of objectives are discussed.

Kurskod: IBUH16 | Ladda ner kursplan

This course has a scientific orientation and aims at educating the students in matters within international business, which are central, historically and at present time.

The course is divided into themes, more traditional as well as contemporary, and the student shall, through these theories, understand challenges for international business, different issues and decision points in conjunction with internationalisation and the organisation of international operations, and the context of international business.

Great emphasis will be put on the analysis of theory, traditional and modern, analysis and the formulation of research problem, purpose and research plan, as well as application of theory on challenges connected with international business.

As the course focuses on theoretical study along with literature review, search and analysis, it can be viewed as a scientific preparation for the bachelor thesis work that directly succeeds this course. The course literature consists of a selection of contemporary as well as "canonical" scientific articles within the field of international business.

Kurskod: IBUH11 | Ladda ner kursplan

The main objective is to develop students’ ability to conduct an independent study that includes developing relevant research questions, and to design and conduct a study that addresses the research questions based upon appropriate methodological considerations and relevant theories within the field of International Business.

The students should also be able to present their study in a written academic report, as well as orally.

Students work independently and in smaller groups with designing and conducting their own study and on presenting their study in the form of a final written Bachelor's thesis. This includes to search and to select relevant literature on the appropriate theoretical area as well as on research methodology, and to collect relevant empirical data through e.g. field studies.

Students are also expected to read and discuss the work of other students that attend the course.

Kurskod: IBUH19 | Ladda ner kursplan