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Porträtt av Nicklas Holmberg. Foto.

Nicklas Holmberg

Prefekt Institutionen för informatik

Porträtt av Nicklas Holmberg. Foto.

Viewing Enterprise Resource Planning systems as Services: A conceptual view, based on practical experiences, of designing information systems as services


  • Nicklas Holmberg
  • Björn Johansson


  • Marko Bajec
  • Johann Eder

Summary, in English

Viewing information systems (IS) as services is beneficial but still an unexplored approach for IS in organizations. The aim of this exercise is to contribute to the knowledge base on designing IS as services. This paper presents an analysis of enterprise resource planning (ERPs) systems through the lens of service oriented architecture (SOA). Services are explained and defined through SOA theory. IS are explained and defined through ERP theory. This paper contributes to the debate on viewing IS as services by presenting a view of ERPs facilitating to fulfill business needs. This paper is influenced by systems and design thinking, and service oriented IS development. Framed by shared promises between SOA and ERP systems we discuss the question whether SOA or ERP fulfills business needs? The analysis of ERPs from a SOA perspective provides us with the conclusion that the question is not about SOA or ERP but rather to provide SOA architected ERPs. It can be said that by viewing ERPs as services it is clear that the combination of ERPs and SOA could be seen as one way forward when designing software aiming at bridging the gaps supporting IS and business processes and allowing the business shaping the IS


  • Institutionen för informatik






Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)






  • Information Systems, Social aspects


  • Business Processes
  • Business Rules
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Enterprise Resource Planning

Conference name

International Workshop of Agility of Enterprise Systems of The 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'12)

Conference date

2012-06-25 - 2012-06-29

Conference place

Gdańsk, Poland

